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  • Payment Plan Request Form

    Please complete the form below with accurate details
        Do not provide you bank or card details on this form.
        Once your payment plan has been approved, you will receive an email from accounts@aiminstitute.edu.au with details of the payment plan
  • Payment Plan Conditions

    Please note: In submitting your application for a payment plan with the AIM Institute of Health and Sciences (AIMIHS), you have acknowledged and agreed to the conditions detailed below. AIMIHS reserves the right to remove a student’s access to the payment plan facilities where that student has failed to meet the acknowledged and agreed conditions.
      1. That the approval of a payment plan is for short-term assistance only and that if I continue to not be able to finalise my tuition fee payment by the payment due date of future instalments, that I may be in breach of Visa Condition 8516 and may be required to suspend my study and return home.
      2. I understand that if my application is not approved, I will be required to pay my fees in full by the relevant payment due date.
      3. I understand that if my application is approved:
        3.1. That it is my responsibility to ensure that my instalments are made by the due dates and acknowledge that no further extensions will be permitted
        3.2. That if I do not pay my instalments in full by the due dates, I will be encumbered and all access to AIMIHS services (including axcelerate) will be suspended.
        3.3. I acknowledge that if I am encumbered, I will also be charged a $100.00 late payment fee for each instalment(s) that I miss and $8.90 for failed direct debit.
        3.4. If I do not pay my instalments in full by the due dates, I will not be eligible for a Payment Plan in future semesters
      4. I understand that correspondence regarding my Payment Plan application will be sent to my Registered Student Email Account only, and I will regularly check my registered Student Email Account for any correspondence from the AIMIHS
      5. I understand and provide consent to AIMIHS to share my details with Ezypay for direct debit purposes.

    Should you have any enquiries in relation to the requirements detailed in this approval please contact the accounts directly on accounts@aiminstitute.edu.au